Saturday, 22 June 2013

I know it's here somewhere...

Morning girls
Hope your all fine and dandy.  I'm still sunning myself in Turkey so once again the fingers are crossed that Mr Blogger plays ball and posts on my behalf.
Saturday means it's time for my guest design spot on Meljen's Designs

How cute is this?  I loved the thought of this poor critter searching for his bone.
We'd a tiny little Yorkie years ago who was forever digging holes in the garden, she never buried anything though just left us holes to be filled all over the place.  

papers - Cart Us
doily and ribbon from stash

Only a few days left now till we're home but I don't even want to think about that yet sob sob sob
Happy Crafting
Anne x


  1. What a gorgeous card Anne.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  2. Cute tail-wagging critter! Love the sky too. I can't believe you've been away almost three weeks already!

  3. Great card hun, love the layout & the image is so sweet!
    hugs shell xx

  4. What a great card! The image and sentiment make me laugh!


Thanks for taking the time to comment
Anne x

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